The Small Details

I am a photographer based here in Portland Oregon. I would describe my shooting style as “Run and Gun”. Meaning I don’t set up a tripod and trying and make a shot happen. I take what Mother Nature gives me and roll with it. You could also call it a “photojournalist” style.

Not too long ago I bought a 50mm 1.4 Nikon lens for my D850. I admittedly wanted the 85mm 1.4, but just couldn’t stomach the price tag. The nifty 50mm is going to be used for its bokeh affect and also focusing more on the details of the weddings and portraits. The focus point will be put in the most important areas, like the eyes or wedding bands. I have been learning the ins and outs of a lens like this. You don’t get a lot of wiggle room when you focus on something. You can image if I focus on the tip of your nose, your cheek will be out of focus. Now imagine trying to photograph something moving quickly or something just moving ever so slightly. I can end up with my in focus area being in the wrong spot. But I caught on quickly and broken the lens in and starting to see if shine.

What was cool about the lens is it forced me to look at the details a bit more. Because I had a lens that could focus in on a narrow area I could try some different things and look at nature a little differently. It sort of reminded me when I was in Denali Alaska for a summer and would go off into the woods and take photos. I would focus and pay attention to the details. I was kind going back to my roots, but with way better digital technology.

On our most recently travels around Washington and Oregon, we stopped by Fall Creek Falls for a hike. A great waterfall with 3 major drops. Along the way we took Rogue down to the water for a drink and started looking around. I found these water droplets on the fir branches and the moss growing on the trees. It took a moment for my brain to see the potential and next thing I knew I had banged off several shots. Here is one of the images. What I did learn was I really need to take the time and set up on the tripod and don’t be scared to use a higher ISO

I was in Chicago earlier in the year and was looking along the river. The sun was hitting the buildings and reflected into the water. With the naked eye, kind of looked cool. But when you take a photograph and do some cropping and some editing you end up with a cool mosaic from it. So when I got to the downstream creek at Falls Creek Falls, I noticed a similar pattern, but with the falls colors and branches. With some work in photoshop I got another cool mosaic from Mother Nature.

I guess my point in all of this, is don’t forget to stop and small the roses. Find the detail and beauty in the small things Mother Nature has provided us. It is all around us and you don’t have to look far. Once you start to notice the details, you will be surprised on just how much beauty there is in the small things.

Too see more detailed images go to my Banner Section under Outdoor Gallery